When Beta is New


Been a long time and honestly, usually it is. Whereas Twitter/X is easy to just pop in and discuss what's on mind in the moment in under 160 characters or whatever, I always find updating devlogs and Tumblr to be a daunting task. 

As it stands now, I've rewritten this game about 7 times. I've recoded the wire frames of it at least 3. I've added every single asset I could stand to add to the game without completely getting sick of it. And I finally came to a point where I think "Hey. This is enough. JmB you have to let it go."

And that was a hard point to get to. But I'm here and spending the final days on this thing making sure the assets are all coded in and the game mechanics actually work and point systems take the player where they are supposed to. Because the prologue changed so much from what it once was, I decided to submit it to the Single Choice Jam. If you play the teaser, you'll quickly realize how important of a choice Faun makes in this short playthrough. And maybe you'll be interested in learning and playing more. I hope so.

A lot of considerations have been mulled over with The Closet Door's production. This game has taken me 4- almost 5 years to complete. And though I always intended for it to be free to play as a way to market my ability to even make games, I have come to realize during my time in the indie gaming community that maybe the idea that working on a game for years through all odds with the ideology that because it's indie, you have to prove your worth in order to be paid for it in future projects is an unhealthy practice to adopt or support. 

I will be committing to a paid model for the full release. And I hope that people who invest in my works truly enjoy them. I will as always do my best to aid in that cause! Well, thank you for reading and I'll be updating Tumblr as well- please wish me luck! Over the course of the next two to three weeks, I think I will be looking for experienced beta testers, so please keep a lookout for that as well! Thanks again for reading, for following my journey, and for being supportive. <3

Always, JmB


Teaser_Closet_Door-2.2-pc.zip 202 MB
34 days ago
Teaser_Closet_Door-2.2-mac.zip 197 MB
34 days ago

Get The Closet Door (Teaser out!)


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AHHHHH!!!! So excited!!! (I already know it's gonna be fantastic 😙)

Thank you so much! I can't use blush emoji here like in Discord but I definitely am!


good luck!! you've worked so hard on this game!! I can't wait to play the teaser!


Thank you! I hope you like it!


WAHHHHHH oh my god I love the UI first off, it looks gorgeous, and the characters have such distinct designs!! And I ADORE Faun what a fantastic MC type and I feel like I know her vibe and her starting point and the possible arc she might go on just from the teaser and it has me hooked!! Also she's soooo pretty omg please I will be her assistant and she'd probably fire me but that's okay!! 

Arun is a cutie I think I will probably romance him first in the full game haha and now I'm so excited for it!!


EEEE YOU PLAYED IT! Thank you for playing and liking it! I hope the full game lives up to your expectations!


I'M SURE IT WILL and thank YOU for making it!!!!!